Flow Of Material

Manage materials
and reduce waste.

What it is

Materials Management through Behavioural Change

APC V-store is a simple and effective materials management system for free issue such as PPE, returnable
items such as tools, and critical spares.  It is used in stores – squirrel stores or buffer stores
which are “off book”, outside the ERP system, typically with 100 to 2,000 items.

Wastage and shrinkage are real costs

Once materials, parts and consumables leave the main store, they are typically “expensed” to a department.  From there, the goods find their way to buffer stores or locations closer to the ultimate usage point, and are no longer tracked.  As a result of that, users behave differently as parts are then free issue, or “take when needed” and often take less care with their use.  With V-store, our clients have observed up to 40% reduction in store issues.

Traditional warehousing systems rely on the concept inventory, pick lists and stock takes.  V-Store operates by managing behaviour, not process.  It does not constrain the issuing of items, it simply reports them and associates the items with the “taker”.  Statistics are used to identify unusual levels of issue to provide exception reports for efficient behaviour management.  “Inventory” management is carried out using statistics to report fast and slow movers rather than “minima”, “WOC”, “ageing”, “EOQ” and other ERP measures.

To provide payback periods of less than 12 months, it should be considered for stores with a value of issues in excess of $250,000, unless critical spares management is the primary justification.

Assure availability of returnables and critical spares

V-Store provides returnables management – including tools and shared mobile equipment.  It associates the returnable with a person and provides alerts when business rules are breached.  It can provide the missing link in critical spares management through its recording of issues.  To do this it requires operation-specific enhancement to integrate to ERP and maintenance systems.

Flow of People


Flow of Ore


Flow of Material